![]() 10/12/2017 at 12:53 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
How come I’m not allowed to dislike Game of Thrones? People act like I’m a horrible person with terrible taste whenever the subject comes up. I never said it was a bad show, just that I don’t like it and don’t feel like watching it. After the first 3 episodes, the show already had more rape and misery than I feel like watching, so why should I sit through 8 more seasons of that?
It’s not like I’m watching 2.5 Men or Young Sheldon instead of it. I still like good television, just not that show.
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Because you’re going against the hive mind pretty much. I’m not down with all the incest/rape but because some guy wrote it in a book, clearly it needs to be thrown in our faces!
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That’s kind of the point of GoT, that people do terrible terrible things and the virtuous don’t always prosper. Every single season a character who is good dies some brutal way. I don’t remember any rape in the first 3 episodes though. There’s the incest, and the attempted murder of a child, twice. It’s ok not to like it though. I tried a few times to get into it and couldn’t make it past the first episode. Then I had my tonsils removed and had nothing to do besides take percocets 4 times a day for 2wks so I just watched GoT.
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I know enough about the show to know that they added in extra rape. Because HBO, probably.
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I’ve watched game of thrones and I’d get why someone wouldn’t want to watch, I guess knowing it’s fantasy softens the blow.
But I don’t follow the news much for a similar reason, there’s too many fucked up things going on and I don’t need to know how trump poorly handled yet another situation. It’s unnecessary stress
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Oh, people do terrible things and sometimes evil wins? Something, something, current events...
I can see myself binging it sometime, since I like fantasy and it’s clearly well-made. I just don’t think the wallowing in misery thing is all that profound.
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It took me a while to get into it. I was indifferent at first, then started to like it, then I started to think that the show wasn’t for me. I wasn’t committed to following it until the end of the first season.
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Try reading the damned books. Terrible. I got into the 4th, and just said fuck it. I haven’t watched the show at all because of how much I disliked the books. They always seemed like they were going to get good, then they kill off the character you liked and switch stories.
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Even after explaining that I will never watch it, and giving as many reasons why as I can and should need to, my friends are relentless in their mission to convert me. Like a bunch of brainwashed drug dealers.
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I never watched the show because I read the first book like 15 years ago and thought it was terrible. It was like reading a disjointed Atlanta phone book. Everyone is related, nothing gets accomplished and folks are bound to die in pointless ways.
I am told this scene in the show is better…but one point the dwarf is put on trial and he argues with some queen for 20 pages on who will stand for him. 20….pages…..I was so fucking bored. Finally some dude goes, “Look, I am bored and I will kill anyone you want me too in order to get outta here.” Congratulations, he is the first guy in the book I like and has a lick of sense…he promptly kills the other dude and then…isn’t in the entire first book again. Ooooook then….
Meanwhile…*In best Monty Python voice* somewhere completely different; Is some teenage chick in the desert. Why do I care what is going on in Arabia when literally 99% of the other characters are in England? Don’t give a shit…when she becomes relevant do another book solely dedicate to her. I started completely skipping her stories to get back to England shit. It was like when the Elves started singing in LOTR….don’t care.
The show came out and I ask why folks like it…”There are titties!” Wow…you likely also brag (and have on your online dating profile) that you read Harry Potter in your late 20s even though the books were written for “young adults”. Check…got it. This is the same reason folks like Sopranos and I was actually bored enough sitting in the Kuwaiti desert to watch Sopranos…and guess what, it did have boobs, but the story was boring.
I don’t watch TV much, but I want to be entertained. I want
to enjoy a show though I am not emotionally tied to anything. Burn Notice
entertained the hell outta me. It was fun, hooky and was self-aware of what it
was. Ash vs the Evil Dead is also along that. Sometimes Blacklist was that way,
but mostly they try to add so much ‘realism’ to something so damn silly that I
just sign and go back to making chainmail or playing a game.
Read David Gemmell, it is dark fantasy before it was cool.
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Man, Ash vs the Evil Dead is so much better than it had to be. I think I’ll judge people based on whether they’ve seen/like it.
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It’s not worth the time. They even try to tip-toe around spoilers because they assume I’ll watch it eventually. I already feel like I’ve watched it since nobody will stop talking about it for 5 minutes.
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I read all the books, but the show is a bit over the top for me. It’s easier to dismiss the mass murder, rape, dis-figuration and ice zombies in a book than a live action TV show. I watched all of season 1, then stopped.
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Go read David Gemmell or Joe Abercromie’s By the Sword series.
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I was going to read the book but I’ve clearly gotten so far in that endeavour
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However, I do hate Big Bang Theory. Though I understand that being a nerd/dork/geek is trendy again, but it doesn’t have to be a comedy when there are people (sometimes myself included) really are like that all day. It isn’t funny to me...
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Big Bang Theory is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
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I’ve also told them I like to watch 4 hour documentaries on structural steel engineering then wide-eyed said, “You’ve got to watch them!”. Different strokes for different folks.
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I endorse this measure for judging humanity. Or, at least I would, except that my wife just doesn’t get it.
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Confession: I’ve never seen even a single minute of this show. When people talk about it, I just shrug and stay out of the conversation. So far I haven’t been shunned.
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This same sentiment applies to my post about the Nissan Skyline yesterday. Someone told me to go fuck myself for saying I don’t care about it.
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I haven’t even seen a peek of GoT. And I really have no desire to.
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My friend trying to convince me to watch the show: “It’s like Sci-Fi mixed with Fantasy!”
Me: “Great. Two genres I’m not interested in.”
F: “But it has beebies and sex!”
M: “I have the internet.”
![]() 10/12/2017 at 14:07 |
Don’t worry, I feel the same way about breaking bad. It’s just not my kind of show. Everyone is always surprised when I say that because I enjoy the actors but I thought the show was boring.
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I have never watched G.o.t
and don’t intend to.
I have watched the 100, which to me is like a futuristic version of g.o.t
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Are they better? Or worse?
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Definitely don’t watch Better Call Saul, then, because it’s Breaking Bad without the action. I say that as a fan of both shows.
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Stop the GoT hate wagon and pick up ya boy! I don’t like it either! People, my wife included say the story is intriguing but all I see is murder murder rapesexregularsexgaysexgroupsexmurdermurdermurdersexsexmurderfaceoff
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Your wife doesn’t like a show where the hero cuts open a bunch of corpses before having to fight a digestive tract and getting sucked up the butt? Weird.
Yeah, my wife won’t even come into the room when I’m watching it.
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They are amazing....start with Legend by David Gemmell.
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We’re not required to care about / like everything. I can’t bring myself to care about anything McLaren has made after the F1. Probably a little true about all supercars, but McLaren especially for some reason.
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She’s funny that way. I give her a pass though because she converted to Star Wars and Star Trek readily enough.
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Yea, I’m an old fantasy fan, but I could never get into GoT. I guess it’s because I grew up with more innocent fantasy that doesn’t curse like crazy, doesn’t have incest and rape, etc.
I am more of a Lord of the Rings, Sword of Shannara, (and yes, Harry Potter,) fan. The whole “bitch” this, “f-that”, sex, lies, and rape just don’t fit into my idea of high fantasy.
Ah well...
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You fucking monster.
just kidding. I enjoy it, but will readily admit that it’s pretty bad.
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I don’t care for it. I got bored with it. Same with Walking Dead.
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it’s like an hour of politics and talking, and a minute of softcore porn. booo
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I’ve never watched it, aside from the pilot episode.
I’ve been interested in watching it, until someone tells me about an episode they saw, and I’m usually over it by the time they’re done. I’m not a peacenik by any means, but my tolerance for violence is pretty low lately.
![]() 10/12/2017 at 15:07 |
This. They added a lot of extra... skin. Like setting scenes in brothels for no reason besides the background.
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I haven’t watched it at all because of this. The real world has enough of that stuff that I don’t feel bad missing the pretend version.
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I’m one of the only people I know that doesn’t seem to jerk off the second someone mentions something GOT related. Even my last friend who also didn’t like it, “finally got into it”. Now he’s trying to get me into it to, and the more people try, the more I resist. It seems like a fucking cult sometimes. I watched the first episode and it was hot garbage, that was it, I was done.
![]() 10/12/2017 at 21:58 |
I also don’t watch game of thrones. Don’t have the patience. Too much going on, too many people. Also the typical HBO issues.
![]() 10/12/2017 at 22:17 |
Right there with you - never seen an episode, don’t plan to in the future, catch sh!t about it from a bunch of people at work atleast once a week. “No, but did you see that Mecum auction with the ‘88 911 turbo?” >blank stare<
![]() 10/13/2017 at 18:22 |
If think you’re allowed not to like it. As long as you’re not smug about not liking it.
When people brag about not liking the most popular show in the world they sound like contrarian assholes. Gotta do it right ;)
![]() 10/16/2017 at 12:18 |
whenever something like that happens, just remind yourself these sites (Jalopnik and Oppo) are populated with a lot of kids who only “love” cars like the Skyline because they think knowing it exists makes them look smart.